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In Review: Lead Placement

David Didlake

Accurate lead placement is invaluable, and makes a significant impact on appropriate care trajectory, or misdiagnosis with unnecessary utilization of resources. A common finding associated with V1 / V2 malposition is P wave inversion, and rSr’ QRS with T wave inversion -- potentially leading clinicians to suspect Brugada pattern, for example, when no such entity exists. Another spurious finding is a QS pattern that mimics Anterior MI, and in the acute setting this may elicit compulsory urge to pursue invasive coronary intervention that is entirely unwarranted.

Tom Bouthillet demonstrates appropriate electrode application when capturing the pre-hospital 12 Lead ECG:


About Me

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I am the Battalion Chief of EMS for Hilton Head Island Fire Rescue and obsessed with all things process improvement, system performance, human factors, crew resource management, and evidence-based performance measures for time-sensitive diagnoses.

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EMS 12-Lead 

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